Unwanted Tenants: How to Deal with Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons may look cute, but when these nocturnal nuisances infiltrate your attic, they bring more than just a dose of wildlife excitement. For homeowners, having raccoons in the attic can lead to a myriad of issues, from structural damage to serious health hazards. This guide will walk you through the steps to identify, prevent, and humanely remove raccoons, ensuring your home remains a safe and peaceful haven.

Call 317-847-6409  For Safe & Humane Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-847-6409 For Safe & Humane Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis Indiana

Signs of a Raccoon Infestation or Localized Activity

To effectively address the issue of raccoons in your attic, the first step is to accurately identify their presence. Recognizing the signs early on can prevent a minor inconvenience from escalating into a major problem. Common indicators of raccoon activity, such as unusual noises, droppings, and physical damage. By understanding these signs, you can take timely action to mitigate potential risks to your home and health. The first step in addressing a raccoon problem is knowing how to recognize it.

Common signs of raccoons include:

  • Noise: Scratching, thumping, or chattering sounds, especially at night.
  • Droppings: Feces resembling those of a small dog, usually found near entry points.
  • Structural Damage: Chewed wires, torn insulation, or damaged vents and shingles.

Understanding the Risks of Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons in the attic or crawl space present several risks:

  • Health Hazards: They can carry diseases like rabies and parasites such as roundworms.
  • Property Damage: Their chewing habits can damage insulation, wiring, and structural components, potentially leading to costly repairs.

Raccoon Proofing and Prevention is Key

Securing Your Home

Prevention starts with making your home less inviting to these masked bandits:

  • Seal Entry Points: Check for and seal any potential entry points, such as gaps in the roof, vents, or chimney.
  • Install Chimney Caps and Vent Covers: These can prevent raccoons from using your chimney or vents as entryways.
  • Trim Tree Branches: Ensure tree branches are at least six feet away from the roof to deter raccoons from climbing.

Regular Maintenance

Consistent home maintenance is vital:

  • Inspect Regularly: Regularly inspect your home, especially the attic, for signs of wildlife intrusion.
  • Repair Damage Promptly: Address any minor damages immediately to prevent them from becoming potential entry points.

Humanely Removing Raccoons

The Importance of Professional Services

When it comes to removing raccoons, professional wildlife control services are essential:

  • Humane Methods: Professionals use humane traps and relocation practices to ensure the welfare of the raccoons.
  • Expertise: Trained professionals can safely handle raccoons, reducing the risk of injury or disease transmission.

Legal Considerations

DIY raccoon removal can be risky and legally complicated:

  • Wildlife Protection Laws: Many regions have laws protecting raccoons, making it illegal to harm or improperly relocate them.
  • Avoiding DIY Pitfalls: DIY methods often lead to incomplete removal or other unintended consequences, such as orphaned baby raccoons left behind.

Cleaning and Repairing the Attic

Cleaning Up a Raccoon Infestation

Once the raccoons are removed, cleaning the attic is crucial:

  • Disinfecting: Use enzymatic cleaners to break down biological waste and eliminate odors.
  • Deodorizing: Apply commercial-grade deodorizers to remove lingering scents that might attract other wildlife.

Repairing Damages Caused by Raccoons

To prevent future infestations, your attic may need some repairs:

  • Insulation Replacement: Damaged insulation should be replaced to restore energy efficiency.
  • Structural Repairs: Fix any chewed wires or damaged wood to maintain the integrity of your home.


Dealing with raccoons in the attic requires prompt and informed action. By identifying the problem, taking preventive measures, and relying on professional services for humane removal, you can protect your home and family from the hazards these unwelcome guests bring. Don’t wait—if you suspect raccoons have taken up residence in your attic, contact a wildlife control company today to ensure a safe and thorough solution.

Ready to reclaim your attic from these clever nuisance critters? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for licensed and insured raccoon removal and control services in Indianapolis, Indiana. Your peace of mind is just a call away!

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An Expert’s Guide on How to Keep Raccoons Out of Your Yard

Raccoons are one of the most common pests encountered in residential areas. Not only can they be a nuisance, but they also carry serious health risks and can cause considerable damage to both property and vegetation. If you’re looking for ways on how to keep raccoons out of your yard, then this guide is for you! In this post, we’ll cover everything from identifying potential sources of food or shelter that may attract raccoons, as well as steps you can take to prevent them from entering your property in the first place. We’ll also discuss methods such as using raccoon repellents or professional raccoon removal services if needed.

So, whether it’s preventing an infestation before it starts or dealing with existing intruders – this comprehensive guide has all the tips and tricks you need to know when it comes to keeping raccoons away from your home!

Call 317-847-6409 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis
Call 317-847-6409 For Raccoon Removal in Indianapolis

How to Get Rid of Raccoons and Keep They Out

Do Not Feed Raccoons

First and foremost, it’s important to recognize potential sources of food or shelter that may attract raccoons. These can include trash cans left open or unsecured, pet food left outdoors, bird feeders, compost piles, and more. In addition to removing these sources of food or shelter, you should also make sure to keep your yard well maintained by mowing regularly and trimming back trees and shrubs near your house.

Implement Raccoon Control Strategies

You can also take preventive steps such as installing exclusion barriers like fencing with a 4-foot gap between the ground and bottom of the fence or using special raccoon repellents around your property. When using chemical repellents, be sure to follow all directions on the label carefully to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Hire a Licensed Raccoon Removal Service

Finally, if you find yourself in a situation where raccoons have already made their way onto your property and are causing problems, then it’s best to contact a professional raccoon removal company for assistance. Hiring experienced wildlife experts can help remove raccoons from your yard safely and humanely – without the need to trap or relocate them elsewhere.

Control Nuisance Raccoons With These Tips!

With this information in hand, you should now be better prepared on how to keep raccoons out of your yard! Remember that taking proactive steps such as removing sources of food or shelter and using exclusion barriers like fencing can go a long way towards preventing an infestation before it starts. However, if raccoons have already entered your home, then don’t hesitate to contact a licensed and insured wildlife control company for raccoon removal services. With their knowledge and expertise, they can ensure raccoons are removed quickly and safely so you can go back to enjoying your yard again!

Do you have a nuisance raccoon problem on your property? Contact Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for safe and effective animal trapping and removal services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. We serve residential and commercial customers.

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How to Spot the Signs of Raccoons Around Your House

Do you want to know whether or not your home is secretly subjected to raccoon trespassing and infestation? Well if it is, the signs are certainly out there, you just have to know where to look and what to look for. Raccoons are clever and nimble mammals, but they are not savvy enough to make a clean escape. Raccoons leave behind signs of their visit; evidence that can be used to confirm a raccoon problem.

Continue reading to learn about the types of evidence raccoons leave behind after trespassing onto your property.

Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control
Indianapolis Raccoon Removal and Control 317-847-6409

Common Signs of Raccoon Mischief

A comprehensive inspection is the best place to start when it comes to either confirming or tackling a raccoon problem. In fact, routine inspections are the best preventative maintenance for raccoon infestations and trouble. This is especially true for homes with wooded lots or homes located near heavily-wooded areas.

During your inspection, you will need to address outdoor and indoor areas of the home. This includes outdoor sheds, storage units, tree houses, and any other place a wild animal could hide or access. Be sure to inspect the major areas of the home first, such as the roof, garage, crawl space, attic, areas beneath the porch or patio, and the interior of the walls. These are common places for raccoons to nest, feed, and reproduce. 

Typical Evidence of Raccoon Activity:

🦝 Outdoor paw tracks (use a coat of flour to detect mammal tracks)

🦝 Structural damages (i.e. Fallen roof shingles, bent gutters, scratch marks, etc.)

🦝 Animal scat

🦝 Visibly spotting a raccoon or raccoons

🦝 Sounds or scuffling noises (i.e. on the roof, inside the walls, in the attic, etc.)

🦝 Pillaged outdoor trash cans and pet bowls

🦝 Missing vegetables from the garden

🦝 Potted plants dug up

🦝 Outdoor pet food missing

🦝 Lingering odors coming from attic or other interior area of a home

During the inspection, it is important to locate and identify vulnerable areas that could be accessed by wild animals like raccoons, and seal these areas fast. Seal gaps in siding, windows, and doors, and close off any access points to under porches and patios. Also, replace loose or broken roof shingles and remove all outdoor attractions like garbage and pet food. It is strongly encouraged to hire a professional Indiana wildlife control company for accurate inspections and services.

How to Safely Get Rid of Raccoons in Indiana at a Price You Can Easily Afford

Call Modern Wildlife Control at 317-847-6409 for affordable wildlife removal and control services for raccoons in Indianapolis, Indiana and its surrounding counties. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife rescue and control specialists offer safe and humane squirrel abatement services, clean up and minor restorations for animal damages, 24 hour emergency service, and free estimates. Get started by requesting a free estimate or advice, today.

Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana
Modern Wildlife Control Indianapolis, Indiana